It is an old plan of the organizing committee to make the grassy, bumpy, gravelly areas of the festival accessible. Perhaps this plan will finally realized, because we have found supporters who would lend us rubber sheets to make wheelchair rolling on the island and in the sports camp more comfortable. Moreover, with the intervention of the municipality of Orfű and with the professional help of the People First – HU Association, a permanent ramp can be added to the gym of the sports camp and the small passage of the sports camp this year. Today, the organizing committee toured and discussed the possible locations.
We hope to succeed this year and we can make it easier for you to get around the Barrier-Free Tourism Day festival.
So far, there has been a financial obstacle to this, as we are in a constant financing battle. We apply here and there to organize the best possible conditions and programs, but unfortunately we rarely win. The organizing committee performs its work entirely in voluntary work, almost all of the program offerers come for free bringing joy to you, and the volunteers also receive only a big “thank you” for their sacrificial work.
Therefore, if you can make it easier to organize the annual festival, PLEASE SUPPORT IT on the account number of the organizer People First Association: Takarékbank 50800104-11110299. It’s even easier to transfer support by using the “Adományozok” (donate) button on the HOWEVER BY MONEY TRANSFER BE SURE TO INCLUDE IN THE ANNOUNCEMENT “BARRIER-FREE TOURISM DAY” OR SIMPLY “ATN”, otherwise we don’t know what you meant the help for.
We are also very happy with any non-material help!