We were thinking about families arriving with children, so in the morning they will primarily have the terrain on the island. Adults and children can enjoy the program of the Hangoló Zenés Gyermekszínház (Children’s Theatre), and the Bolhazsák (Flea Bag) children’s band, while they can slide on rollers and Norbi Lakatos Blind balloon-maker will also delight them with balloons.
Of course, not only children can do crafts all day, for example in Zsuzsa Polgar’s play tent (gingerbread decoration, creative sewing, folk play mat for the youngest).
The interactive activity of the Hungarian Ornithological Association is also for everyone, as is the Forest Tasting workshop with Bio Bia.
For a good lunch, there will still be a good song, thanks to the cheerful young Swabian people of Junge Spatzen and an excellent guitar musician. After lunch, the nationally known and popular M6 Country Band tunes the audience to further programs.
In the afternoon there is also an opportunity to relax between the experiences and enjoy the Grimask Theatre: Go on an adventure! humorous, musical show and the famous piece MárkusZínház: László Vitéz.
We regularly come with details on the festival’s Facebook page, it’s worth checking every single day:https://www.facebook.com/turizmus.akadalymentes