by Pataki Veronika | Sep 10, 2021 | Blog, Blog, Blog
One of our highlights this year was the special shadow play from Heni Szekeres’s award-winning play “Excruciating protection”, directed by Zsuzsa Szabó.It was a huge success, and many of the viewers of the Barrier free Tourism Day premiere asked to...
by Pataki Veronika | Aug 29, 2020 | How to help
Our peers with different disabilities have summed up in a short but enjoyable way how to help and not help a person with a disability. Read and spread to as many people as possible, very useful information! for a physically disabled The most important is not to do...
by akadalym | Jul 16, 2020 | Education
As part of our Erasmus+ Peer-AcT project, the University Pécs Faculty of Economics Institute of Marketing and Tourism (dr. Tibor Gonda and dr. Zoltán Raffay) in 5 countries carried out an international questionnaire survey of the specific needs, expectations and...